The Politically Incorrect Guide to Islam (and the Crusades)
A fewmodest propos als to this end: In the first place, it is scandal ousthat so
many year s afte r Pres iden t Bush anno unce d that "you'r e eith er with the
terr orist s or with us," the Unit ed State s stil l count s as frie ndsand allie s—or at
least recip ients of its larges se—so many state s where jihadist activity is
Tie foreign aid to the treatment of non-Muslims. A State
Department that really had America's interests at heart would
immediately stop all forms of American aid to Kosovo, Algeria,
Somalia, Sudan, Egypt, Jordan, the Palestinians, Pakistan,Indo nes ia,
and even Iraq and Afgh ani sta n, and any oth er state, until each
demonstrably endsallsupport—material, educational, and religious—
for jihad warfare, and grants full equality of rights to any non-Muslim
Reconfigure our global alliances on the same basis.Pakistan,
Saudi Arabia, and the other exporter s of jihad should be pu t on
no ti ce. Co nt in ue d fr ie nd ly re la ti on s wi th th e United States
absolutely depend en an immediate and compreh ensi ve renu nciat ion
of the jiha d, incl udin g a refor mation of scho olsthat teach it. It
canno t be enough for a state to den oun ce or ren oun ce ter ror ;
eac h mus t sto p Isl ami c jihad as a means of undermining the
integrityofother states.At thesame time ,theUnite d Stat es shou ld
try to culti vatecloser ties with states that have been victims of jihad
violence—most notabl y, Russia. So far, Russia 's resist ance tothe
global jihad bas been even more inconsistent and shortsighted than
our own. However, if the U.S. were to acknowledg e tha t we are up
aga ins t awor ld wid eji had and see k, closer ties on that basis, this
might start to change.
Call on Muslim states to renounce sharia's expansionist
imperative.To be afriend of the United States, each state