The Politically incorrect Guide to Islam (and the Crusades)
In a lar ger sen se, doe s any one in the
Sta te Dep art men t hav e th e wil l to adv o-
cat e the se and oth er mea sur es? Or is it
only reg ime s like the blo ody mull ahoc-
racy in Tehran that are allowed to speak
openl y about thei r prin ciple s and goals ,
and take all the nece ssar y meas ures for
their own defense?
Secretary Rice needs to ask and answer
these questions. The State Department's
bureaucr acy has been playing realpo litik
for so long that it reflexively thinks it can
work with the Islamic jihadists—as
dro ppi ng car e pac kag es int o Ind one sia
wi ll so me ho w bl un t th e fo rc e of th e
Maududi dictum that "non-Muslims have
absolutely no right to seize the reins of power."
The State Department needs to come to grips with the fact that it is facing a
totalitarian, supremacist, and expansionist ideology—and plan accordingly. Not only
has it not been done, but it is so far off the table thatit never even occu rre d to
Demo cra tic sen ato r Barb ara Boxe r to use it asanot her parti san stic k with which
to batte r Dr. Rice 's comp eten ce andveracity at her confirmation hearing.
Now it is up to Secretar y Rice herself to demonstrat e whether she hasthe vision
to do what is needed.
A Book You're Not
Supposed to Read
Infiltration: How Muslim Spies and Subversives
Have Penetrated Washingtonby PaulSperry:
Nashville,TN: NelsonCurrent, 2005.Sperry
details just howbad things have gotten in
America:Muslimswithclear tiestojihad
inour political system and military
urgency of mountinga full and effective
resistanceto the Islamic jihad—beforeit'stoo
Defeating thejihad domestically
The first thing we need in order to defeat the jihad at homeisan