The Politically Incorrect Guide to Islam and the Crusades

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The Politically Incorrect Guide toIslam (andthe Crusades)

ofthe faith: ""Pro phet, make war on the unbeliev ers and thehypocr ites
and dea lrig oro usl y wit h the m.Hel l .sh all be the ir hom e: an evi l
fat e" {Qur’anic 9;73), This warfarewasonly part of the larger spiritual
conflict between Allah and Satan: "Those who believe fight in the cause of
Allah, and those who reject faith rightire thecauseofevil:so fight ye
againstthe friends of Satan" (Qur'an 4:7).
"Then , when thesacre dmonths have passe d, slay the idola ters wher-
ever ye find them. and take them capti ve, and besie ge them, and
prepa re for them each ambush. But if theyrepen t and estab lish worshi p
andpaythe poor-due, then leave their way free. Lo! Allah is Forgiving,
Merciful" (Qur'an 9:5). The ""poor-due" in thisverse is zakat, which is one
of theFive Pillars of Islam, and regulates religious tithes. Thus the verse
is saying that ifthe "idolaters" become Muslims, leave them alone.
Jews and Christi ans were to be fought along with "idola ters": "'Figh t

thos e whobelie ve not in Alla h nor the Last Day, nor holdthat forb id-

den which hath been forbidden by Allah and His Messenger, nor

acknowledge the religion of Truth, (even if they are) of the People of the

Book , until they pay the Jizy a with willi ng submi ssio n, and feel

themselves subdued" (Qur'an 9;29). TheJizya was a tax inflictedupon


Jihad is the highest dutyofMuslims:"Doye makethegiving of drink
to pilgrims, or the maintenance of the Sacred Mosque. equal to the pious
servi ce of those who believe in Allah and the Last Day, and stri ve with
might and main in the cause of Allah [jihadfisabil Allah]? They are not
com par abl e in the sig ht of All ah: and All ah gui des not tho se who
dowron g. Thos e who beli eve, and suff er exil e and stri ve with migh t
andmain , in All ah' s caus e (ji had fi sab il All ah).wit h the ir good s and
the irperso ns, havethehighes t rank in the sight ofAllah ;they are the
peopl e who will achie ve salva tion" (Qur'a n 9:19-20). In Islami c
theol ogy, Jiha d fisabilAllahrefers specifically to taking up arms for

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