The Politically Incorrect Guide #o Islam (andthe Crusades}
Ju stLi ke To da y:Mus li m le ad er scall for
restorationof thedhimma
Sure, Jews and Christ ians lived as dhimmi s in the old Islami c empir es, but that's a reli c
ofth e pa st , ri gh t? No Mu sl im s wa nt to re in st it ut e dh im mi st at us fo r th em
to da y, do th ey ?Of course they do. Sheik hOmar Bakri Muham mad, a contr oversi al
pro-Osama Musli m leade r in Great Brita in, wrote in Octob er 2002 that even though
there was no calip h in the Islami c work today. hat didn't mean Musli ms could sj,mpl y
kill unbel iever s. He affirme d that they must stil l beoffer ed the choic e to live subje ct to
the Musli ms; " We cannot simpl y say that becau se we haveno Khilaf ah [calip hate] we
can just go ahead and kill any non-Musli m, rather we must still fulfilltheirDhimma.'
Likewise. Sheikh Yussef Salameh, the Palestinian Authority's undersecretary for
religiousendowme nt, in May 1999 prais ed the idea that Christ ians shoul d become
dhimmi s under Musli mrule , and such sugge stio ns have beco me more commo n sinc e
the seco nd inti fada bega n in October 2OO0,""
In a recent Fridaysermonat a mosque in Mecca, Sheikh Marzouq Salem AI-Ghamdi
spelled out the Sharia' injunctions for dhimmis;
If the infidels live among the Muslims, in accordance with the conditions set out by the
prophet—there is nothing wrong with itprovided they payJizyato the Islamic
treasury. Other conditionsare... thattheydonot renovate a Church or a monastery,
do not rebuild ones thatwere destroyed,that they feed for three days any Muslim who
passesby their homes. ,. that they rise when a Muslim wishesto sit. that they do not
imitate Muslims in dressandspeech, nor ride horses. nor ownswords, norarm
themselveswithany kindofweapon: that theydonotselfwine,donotshowthe cross,
donotringchurchbells, donot raisetheirvoicesduringprayer, that they shavetheir
hairinfront so as to make themeasilyidentifiable, do not incite anyone against the
Muslims, and do notstrike a Muslim...if they violate these conditions, they have no