The Politically Incorrect Guide to Islam and the Crusades

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The Politically Incorrect Guide to Islam (and the

shall presume to seize, imprison, wound. torture, mutilate, kill, or inflict
violence on them; furthermore, no one shall presume, except by judicialaction
of the authorities of the country, to change the good'customs in theland where
theylivefor the purpose of taking their money or goods from them or from
So far thisis similarto the Islamic "protection" of the subject peoples. But
then Gregory adds, "In addition, no one shall disturb them in any

Muhammad vs. Jesus
'And he sent messengers ahead of him, who went and entered avillageof the
Sam arit ans;to mak e rea dy for him ; but the peo ple wou ld not rec eiv e him,
because his face was set toward Jerusalem.. And when his disciples James and

John saw it, they said. 'Lor d. do you want us tobidfire come down from heav en and cons ume
them ?)But he turned and rebuked them."
Luke 9;52-55

"Nar rate d Ibn Abba s!, When the Vers e: 'And warn your trib e (0 Muha mmad ) of near-kind red (and
yourchos en grou p from amon g them' (Qur 'an 26:21 4] was revea led, Allah 'sMesse nger went out, and
when he had asce nded As-Sala moun tain , he shou ted,Ya Saba hah! 'The peop le said , 'Who is that ?'
Then they gathered around him, whereupon he said. 'Do you see? IfI inform you that cavalrymen are
proce eding up the side of this moun tain, will you belie ve me?' Theysaid, 'We have never heardyou
tell ing a lie.' Then he said, 'I am a plain warne r to you ofa comin gsever e punishmen t.' Abu Lahab
said, 'May you perish! You gathered us only for this reason?' Then Abu Lahab went away. So theSuratAI-
Masad:Perish thetwo hands of Abu Lahab! ' was revea led:"Surat AI-Masadis the Qur'an 's 111thsura :
"May the hands of Abu Lahab peris h] May hehimse lfperis h! Nothi ng shall his wealt h and gains avail
him. He shall be burnt in a flami ng fire, andhis wife, ladenwithfaggo ts, shall have a rope offiber
around her neck!"
Qur'an 111;1-5

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