The Politically Incorrect Guide to Islam and the Crusades

(lu) #1
The Politically Incorrect Guide toIslam (and the Crusades)

of t he m f or me r Mu sl im s wh o ha d
secretly converted to Christianity, in
October 2003. They were questioned and
tort ured; auth oriti es susp ecte d that sev-
eral of them were trying to bring other
Muslims to Christianity.'
In De ce mber 20 03 , th e Br et hr en
Church of Assiout was demolished, with
official permission, so that church mem-
ber s cou ld bui ld a new str uct ure. But
before they could do so, their building
li ce ns e wa s re vo ke d—re ca ll in g th e
dh im mi pr oh ib it io n ag ai ns t bu il di ng
new churches or repairing old ones."
On No ve mb er 25 , 20 03 , Bo ul os
Farid Rezek-Allah Awad, a Coptic Chris-
tian married to a Christianconvertfrom
Islam, was arrested while attempting to

Three Books You're
Not Supposed To

The Dhimmi: Jews andChristian Under Islam
(1985), TheWine of EasternChristianity Under
Islam: From Jihad to Dhimmitude(1996), and
Islam andDhimmitude: WhereCivilizations
Collide (2001),written by Bat Ye'or and
published by Fairleigh Dickinson University
Press.Ye'or is the pioneering scholar of the
dhimma. Each book is full ofpr imar y so ur ce
do cum ent s th at br ing theha rsh rea lit ies of
dhi mmit ude hom e and giv ethe lie to Isl ami c
apo log ist s and whi tew asherswho try to explain
it away.

le ave th e co un tr y an d he ld fo r tw el ve ho ur s. Wh en an
Egyptian security police officer asked him about his wife,
Reze k-Alla h told him that she had alrea dy left Egypt. Per-
haps mindfulofthe death penalty for apostates, the officer
res pond ed, "I'l l bri ng her back and cut her int o pie ces in
front of you."Several months later, however, Rezek-Allah
was allowed to leave Egypt and settle in Canada,"

From Pakistan:
In November 2003,Pakistani police arrested Anwar Masih,a
Chr ist ian , on a cha rge of bla sph emy. Acc ord ing to the
DailyTimesof Pakistan, Masih began discussingIslamwith
a Muslim neighbor, Naseer, "'During the discussion, the sub-
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