The Politically Incorrect Guide to Islam and the Crusades

(lu) #1
Chapter 6

I s l a m i c L a w

Lie, Steal and Kill
Not only does Islam commandwarfare against unbelievers and
th ei r su bj ug at io n un de r Is la mi c ru le ; it al so—as we ha ve already
seen in part—sanctions lying, stealing, and killing in order to advance
Islam, In fact, Islam doesn't have a moral codeanalogousto the Ten
Commandments: theidea that Islam shares the general moral outlook of
Judaism and Christianity is another PC myth.

In Islam, virtually anything is acceptable if it fosters the growth of Islam.

Lying: It's wrong—except when it isn't
Muhammadminced no words about the necessity of telling the truth: "It
is obligatory for you to tell the truth, for truth leads to virtue and virtue
leadsto Paradise, and the man who continues to speak the truth and
endeavo rsto tell the truth is eventu ally recorde d as truthf ul with Allah,
andbewa re of tel lin g of a lie for tell ing of a lie lea ds to obsc eni ty
andobscenityleads to Hell-Fire, and the person who keeps telling lies and
endeavorsto tell a lie is recorded as a liar with Allah."'
How eve r, as wit h so man y oth er Isl ami c pri nci ple s, this is
lar gel y aMatterbetween believers. When it comes to unbelievers—

those who are at war with Musli ms—Muham mad enunc iated a quite
diffe rent principle: "War is deceit."

Guess what?
Islam's only
overarching moral
principle is "if it's
good for [slam,it’s
* Islam allows for
lying. as well as
stealing and
killing.In certain
Thisleads to
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