Lighting Techniques for Photographing Model Portfolios: Strategies for Digital Photographers

(C. Jardin) #1
sexy to add a new dimension to her portfo-
lio. Because of Jen’s schedule, the shoot
had to be scheduled in the afternoon. As a
result,we were shootinginbrightsunlight.
This shot was taken when the sun had
started to drop, but was still not in the
“golden hour”; the sun was still bright and
the lighting was very high in contrast.
Harder, more directional light is good for
texture, such as in the jacket, but requires
that the model close her eyes until the mo-
ment of the shutter clicks. As we were
shooting, I noticed the pattern of light on
the buildingandmovedthe modelintothe
area, thus capturing this shot. If you are
shooting a model in full sun and the em-
phasis is on the model, have her turn her
face toward the sun. Instruct the model to
close her eyes, then open them when you
cue her for the shot. If the emphasis is on
ample, in a catalog shoot), simply have the
model wear sunglasses or look away.
ways to find softer sunlight effects? Ab-
solutely. When the sky is covered with
clouds, the sun lights the clouds, and the
clouds—a massive light source that, rela-
tively speaking, are a lot closer to us than
the sun—castsoftlightonour subjects.Ef-
fectively, light cloud cover turns the sun into one huge softbox, softening the
hard light. Colors are more vibrant, shadows recede, and the contrast be-
tween shadows and highlight is much lower. This light can be beautiful and
especially flattering to a model’s face and figure.

Direction of the Light.

In addition to its quality, you must also consider the direction of the light. As
notedabove,lightthatcomes fromoverheadis usually notflattering,because
it creates dark shadows on the eyes. Instead, look for light that strikes the
subject from another angle.
Front Light.Lightthatcomesfromdirectlyinfrontofthesubjectiscom-
monly used in beauty photography because it tends to smooth the skin and

2-6.When the sun is too harsh, consider
moving inside to use window light. This
can be a very flattering light source—
especiallyiflarge windowsareavailable.

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