
(Kiana) #1

  • Another method is- Stand bare feet on the ground. Imagine your feet chakra
    spinning and opening. Imagine roots coming out of your feet grounding you deeply
    to Mother Earth. Here is a Grounding Meditation technique. Only difference is you
    imagine roots coming out of your feet and both chakras spinning and opening.

  • Those who are fond of crystals can use grounding crystals to open feet chakras.
    Some of the grounding crystals are Hematite, Black tourmaline, Dalmatian Jasper,
    Blue Kyanite, Red Jasper and more. Fill a tub or bucket with lukewarm water. Place
    some grounding crystals in the tub. Now place your feet in water tub and just play
    around with your crystals with your feet. That’s it, so easy.

  • Last but not the least, my favorite method. Give Reiki to foot chakras.

Keep your foot chakras spinning and live a healthy-happy life J

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