
(Kiana) #1

Article 70

Case Study- Heal Smoking Addiction

Smoking is one of the worst and deadliest addiction a person can develop. It’s a slow
poison that kills a person daily bit by bit.

About three months back, a woman mailed me totally distressed about her husband’s
(Alex) smoking addiction. Apparently Alex was a chain smoker and it reached a point
where it was affecting his health. Doctors advised him to at least reduce the smoking. But
being an addict, he didn’t even try. Addictions are hard to quit. I was approached by his
wife to heal him, help him quit smoking. For me at that time, the biggest question was,
how right is it to heal someone without his consent and knowledge? Isn’t it unethical? I
asked the woman to give me a day to figure out and decide. That night I meditated on the
issue, asked angels and my higher-self to guide me. I was guided to take permission from
Alex’s higher-self and spirit guides for his highest good. With the help of distant symbol,
I connected with his higher-self and spirit guide and took the consent.

I started healing him but I could feel resistance from his side. The energy wasn’t flowing
freely. Still, without giving up hope and faith I continued to send healing to him. After
about 15-20 days, the energy flow changed from obstructive to free-flowing. He was
accepting the healing without resistance. More days passed but we could not see any
change except the acceptance of energy. After about 40 days of healing his health
worsened. He was rushed to hospital due to severe cough and pain in chest due to
congestion in chest. He was hospitalized due to chest congestion.

In terms of reiki and spiritual healing, I call it ‘Negativity Release Phase’. Somehow I knew
he was going to be ok and there is nothing to worry about. Apparently, this incident was
an eye-opener for him. After being discharged from hospital, he decided to reduce
smoking. That is when his wife told him about the reiki healing he is receiving from me.
He talked to me and thanked me and assured me that he will accept healing and he will
try his best to co-operate.

He started with taking only few puffs whenever he craved smoking, he would discard
cigarette after few puffs. Then gradually he increased the gap between smoking times.
Today after nearly three months, he smokes only once a day in the morning, or else he

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