
(Kiana) #1

Try not to pick very tiny tumbles. U can use multiple stones for single issue if they are tiny

Some common issues and related crystals. These are in no means only crystals related to
issues, there are many more crystals. Also, crystals has multiple healing properties so each
can be used for different issues too.

Stress/Worry- Amethyst, Clear Quartz, Garnet, Citrine, Smoky Quartz, Carnelian,

Money/Career- Citrine, Green Aventurine, Tigers Eye, Pyrite, Sunstone, Smoky quartz,
Jade, Moonstone, Carnelian

Heart/Emotions- Rose Quartz, Green Aventurine, Moonstone, Ruby

Weight loss- Tigers Eye, Gold Quartz, Yellow Aventurine, Apatite, Bloodstone, Citrine,
Kyanite, Amethyst

Grounding- Red Jasper, Smoky Quartz, Camel Agate, Hematite, Kyanite, Black
Tourmaline, Black Obsidian, Bloodstone, Carnelian

Protection- Black Tourmaline, Black Obsidian, Tigers Eye, Grey Jasper, Mica Agate,
Selenite, Kyanite

Listed above are just basic issues and basic easily available crystals. Pick any as per your
issue and program it for use.

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