
(Kiana) #1

heal the past event that was the root cause of the issue. It also clears mental blockages
related to the opposite person, brings balance between mind and heart conflict and
remove misunderstandings and ego.

Q.40 How long should I wait between each of the Reiki levels?
It depends from teacher to teacher. Some teachers advice the gap of only 21 days between
levels; Some keeps the gap of couple of months; some keeps the gap of 2-3 months
between level 1-2 and 6 months or more between 2- 3. It also depends on student, how he
is resonating with the energy.

Q.41 Does healing differ from healer to healer?
The techniques used by healers may differ. Some healers merge different techniques,
forms and variations of Reiki. Some merge other healing methods like Crystals, Pranic
healing or Past Life therapy.

These are the most common questions asked by a newbie or a non-Reiki person. I have
tried to give answers in short, without going into small details. I would end up writing a
book if I go into detailed explanation J

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