
(Kiana) #1

Charisma Phatak

When my elder son was 2 year old, he was detected with severe respiratory disease. He
was critically ill and fever would strike him every week and was administered with
heavy doses of antibiotics. He was reduced to bones. Doctors said he MIGHT outgrow
this disease after he completes 5 years of age. 5 years of age? I was dumbstruck, three
more years of this sickness. I was really disheartened. One night as I was putting my
child to sleep, something inside me urged me to start Reiki again. I was then already a
Usui Reiki master, but due to pregnancies and parenting, somehow I lost hold of Reiki
meditation. My sister (a Reiki master) along with other Reiki masters helped me in
giving tips for karmic Reiki healing of my son. Within 4 months of my Reiki healing, he
was completed cured of this illness. He is now a happy, healthy kid.

Whenever I have any deep desires to be fulfilled, I do Reiki. Reiki has manifested almost
all my desires. If some wish did not come true even through Reiki, I realize it was not in
my highest or greatest good. Though I do Reiki almost every day, but anytime when I
feel sick or lonely, I call upon my lifelong companion Reiki for 2 minutes, and I bounce
back to life with full zest. For me, life after Reiki is like unlocking the door to unlimited
happiness inside and outside me/you.

Piyusha Sinha

Life’s most beautiful gift for me-Reiki. Getting attuned to Reiki has opened me up to
understand a lot of things about myself, others and life in general. Somehow it’s become
easy to accept everything without dissecting every moment. I can actually...like really
feel the energy and vibes of people, places, good energy and even extremely bad energies
now. When I come in contact with something which has got very negative vibes, my
head starts pounding, like it’s a warning that something is really bad here. As soon as I
get away from that place or object, the pounding just goes. It has saved me and my loved
ones from countless difficulties. Every day of my life I’m thankful that Reiki has come to

Soumya Renuka

Yes, Reiki has changed my life. Earlier I had lot of negative attitude towards life.
Because of that I had lost hopes and happiness in life. After I started Reiki my life started

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