
(Kiana) #1

Article 33

Menstrual Periods and Reiki

Irregular periods is something most women go through during some phase in their life.
Some developed this issue since their puberty started, some developed since sexual
relation started, some developed after child birth or some developed due to hormonal
imbalance and PCOD. At times, some issues are rooted to previous lives (karma) which
cannot be easily cured as one has to learn the lessons they were supposed to.

Reiki works on higher level and balances karmic issues and heals the root cause of any
disease. One cannot see immediate effect if the issue is rooted to past lives. Some issues
need multiple sessions of Reiki healing, depending upon the damages and blockages in
energies. Reiki corrects the imbalance chakras, making the body more receptive towards

  1. Before starting healing, call upon Archangel Raphael, client/your ancestors and
    spirit guides to help you with the healing process.

  2. Sit or lie down and relax comfortably. Close your eyes and imagine Reiki shower
    engulfing your whole body with Divine light. Feel yourself surrounded by Divine
    light, angels and your ancestors.

  3. Draw whatever symbols you are attuned to on palms. If you are attuned to Karuna
    Reiki, draw Zonar as well.

  4. For imbalanced cycle- Put one palm on right breast and one on left breast. Give
    healing for about 5-7 minutes. Next, put one palm on ovaries and one on root
    chakra and heal for another 5-7 minutes.

  5. Bleeding- Give healing to solar-plexus chakra, sacral chakra, root chakra and

  6. Cramps/PMS- Give healing to solar-plexus chakra, sacral chakra, root chakra,
    bladder, kidney, base of spine, ankles and feet. Also make sacral chakra sandwich
    by putting one palm on back sacral chakra and one on front.

  7. Menopause- Give healing to ovaries, back and front sacral chakra, back and front
    solar-plexus and root chakra.

Do Reiki and Say NO to menstrual issues J

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