How to Manifest Your Desires - Law of Attraction Haven

(Kiana) #1

God and Father of all. Don’t be ashamed to claim it. Man sees the Lord Je-
sus Christ as some little being on the outside; but he is in you, and when
you see him, he will look just like you!

A friend recently shared this sweet vision with me. She said: "I saw a
man in a white robe standing on a hill, building a canopy over the en-
trance to a temple. As I approached I could see that the stripes used for
the canopy were translucent green and I remarked how radiantly beautiful
they were. The man turned to look at me and I realized it was you,
Neville, and yet you were Michelangelo. Then you addressed me saying: ‘I
have been working on this throughout eternity and it still remains invisi-
ble to others’. Taking the stripes, I wove them into the form of a basket
and you thanked me and said: ‘Great work’ and I awoke." That was a
beautiful dream. I have been telling the story of the resurrection through-
out eternity, but it has never been put into living form. It still remains
dead, like Michelangelo’s Pieta, or his David made out of marble.

Let David become alive in the minds of others. Give life to the Pieta, the
crucified one on the mother’s lap. The story is public property, now a dead
written code awaiting life in the imagination of men. Dramatize salvation’s
story. Make it into a play or a television show and let Michelangelo’s Pieta
become alive. I have made the story alive because I have experienced it.
Michelangelo, with his tremendous know how of the human form, created
the dead forms made of marble. I came along, unable to mold a stick, to
find the dead forms taking on life in me. It is my hope that one day this
wonderful story will be told as it really is, against the story that we have
heard for over two thousand years.

Now let us go into the silence.

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