hunger and the true thirst, which is for the hearing of the word of God.
Now, in the third letter a gentleman writes: "Having borrowed from the
bank, every month when I sent in my payment I reduced the total
amount in my record book. One day, as I was writing my check and
recording its payment, I closed my eyes and saw two zeros under the bal-
ance due column. Then I gave a sigh of relief because the note was paid.
For the next thee months I persisted in seeing those double zeros and re-
joicing in being debt free. Then came an unexpected surprise! Our compa-
ny paid us all a midyear bonus which was so large I was able to pay all of
my bills, including the bank loan, and deposit the rest in the bank."
Now I think this gentleman and I must be two peas in the same pod, be-
cause money seems to burn in his pocket, too. Instead of keeping the
money in the bank as the rational mind would do, my friend began to
think about how to spend it, so of course he found a way. He bought
a tape recorder to bring and record my message!
To whom did my friend turn when he wanted the bank loan paid? He
turned to God! He did not get down on his knees and ask some outside
God to do it for him. He didn't go to church and consult a priest, rabbi or
minister. He didn't contact a so-called truth teacher, but simply closed his
eyes to the obvious and saw two zeros in the balance due column. Then
for the first time in the history of his company a midyear bonus was paid.
This happened to him because of his use of the law, \and his knowledge
of who God is.
Not everyone who seeks God finds him, but there are those like Philip that
when they find him, they bring their brother Nathanael. Andrew found Je-
sus and brought Peter. You, too, will find Jesus when you exercise your
imagination, and bring those you love to his awareness. If great wealth
befell you, would not your wife (or husband), your children, as well as
those in your immediate circle benefit from your good fortune? And if it
befell them, would it not befall you?
So we benefit each other as we search out God and test him.
Revelation tells us to be either hot or cold, but never to be lukewarm. If
you do not believe me to the point of testing the law, you are lukewarm.
But one day, like Ben, you will take a stand. You will either be for me or
against me. You will try to believe that imagining creates reality, or reject
it. You will be hot or cold about it, and that is better than being lukewarm.
I have discovered that those who hated me at first when I took from them
their idols, the icon in their mind called Jesus, have become my finest stu-
dents. So many people claim they believe in Jesus, but cannot define him.
Unable to place him in time and space, they are defiant when I say: Christ
in you is your hope of glory. Full of insults, they are cold. Some have even