Functional Python Programming

(Wang) #1

The Itertools Module

We'll get the next value from the iterator. If it passes the test, that's our value.
Otherwise, we'll evaluate this function recursively to search for a value that passes
the test.

We'll provide a source iterable and a comparison function as follows:

source = zip(count(0, .1), (.1*c for c in count()))

neq = lambda x, y: abs(x-y) > 1.0E-12

When we evaluate the until(neq, source) method, we find the result is as follows:

(92.799999999999, 92.80000000000001)

After 928 iterations, the sum of the error bits has accumulated to 10 −^12. Neither value
has an exact binary representation.

The count() function is close to the Python recursion limit. We'd
need to rewrite our until() function to use tail-call optimization to
locate counts with larger accumulated errors.

The smallest detectible difference can be computed as follows:

until(lambda x, y: x != y, source)

(0.6, 0.6000000000000001)

After just six steps, the count(0, 0.1) method has accumulated a measurable error
of 10 −^16. Not a large error, but within 1000 steps, it will be considerably larger.

Reiterating a cycle with cycle()

The cycle() function repeats a sequence of values. We can imagine using it to solve
silly fizz-buzz problems.

Visit for a comprehensive set of
solutions to a fairly trivial programming problem. Also see https://projecteuler.
net/problem=1 for an interesting variation on this theme.

We can use the cycle() function to emit sequences of True and False values
as follows:

m3= (i == 0 for i in cycle(range(3)))

m5= (i == 0 for i in cycle(range(5)))

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