Functional Python Programming

(Wang) #1



@lru_cache decorator 197
@then_convert(converter) style
decorator 225
@total_ordering decorator 197
@wraps decorator 216


access_detail_iter() function 235
AccessDetails objects 241
access_iter() function 235
accumulate() function
about 165 , 167
totals, running with 167 , 168
optimizing 311 , 312
reducing, based on audience
requirements 312
alt_range() function 269
anscombe_filter() function 294
Anscombe's Quartet 48
Apache httpd 290
about 301
usage, tracking 301 - 303


base case states 13
bind() function 274 , 275
binning 127
bisect module
used, for creating mapping 55 , 56

body mass index (BMI) 265
by_dist() function 91

Callable class
higher-order functions, building
with 111 , 112
Cartesian product
enumerating 182
CDF values
computing 327 - 329
chain() function
about 165 , 169
iterators, combining with 169
chi-squared decision
alternative summary approaches 318 , 319
making 312 - 314
probabilities, computing from Counter
object 317 , 318
raw data, filtering with Counter
object 314 - 316
raw data, reducing with Counter
object 314 - 316
summarized data, reading 316 , 317
threshold, computing 322 , 323
value, computing 321 , 322
chunking 107
defining, with total ordering 201 - 203
number classes 203 , 204
Clojure 53
collections.Counter method 127
combinations() function 181
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