Functional Python Programming

(Wang) #1

function 181
come_out_roll() function 277
Common Log Format (CLF) 234
Communicating Sequential Processes
(CSP) 233
complete gamma value
computing 325 , 326
complex descriptors
implementing 223
complex multiprocessing architectures 248
composite analysis() function 244
composite design
about 218 , 219
bad data, preprocessing 219 , 220
compress() function
about 165 , 171
filtering with 171 , 172
concurrency 230 , 231
concurrent.futures module
using 248
concurrent.futures thread pools
using 249
concurrent processing
designing 250 , 251
conditional expressions
evaluating 254 , 255
non-strict dictionary rules, exploiting 255
true conditional expressions, filtering 256
consume function 178
contingency table
creating 321
convert() function 103
count() function
about 160
used, for counting 160 - 162
CPython 229
cross-cutting concerns 217
Cross-Site Request Forgeries (CSRF) 286
csrf function 286
CSV serializer 298
curl 282
currency() function 222
curried functions
creating 268

curried higher-order functions
using 266 , 267
about 35 , 93 , 264
example 266
cycle() function
about 162 - 164
used, for reiterating cycle 162 - 164

about 213 , 214
cross-cutting concerns 217
design limitations, recognizing 223 - 226
parameter, adding 220 - 222
using 213 - 216
using, as higher-order functions 213
design patterns 114 , 115
using 50 - 53
distance() function 105
dotproduct function 179
double factorial 256
dropwhile() function
about 165 , 173
stateful filtering with 173 , 174


enumerate() function
about 147 , 165 , 166
numbers, assigning with 166 , 167
used, for including sequence number 85
Erlang 16
example, functional programming 17
expected values
CDF values, computing 327 - 329
chi-squared threshold, computing 322 , 323
chi-squared value, computing 321 , 322
complete gamma value, computing 325 - 327
computing 319 - 321
partial gamma value, computing 323 - 325
Exploratory Data Analysis (EDA)
about 9 , 20
stages 21
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