Functional Python Programming

(Wang) #1


generator expressions
combining 47 , 48
limitations 46 , 47
using 43 - 46
generator functions
used, for cleaning raw data 48 , 49
writing 108 - 111
Global Interpreter Lock (GIL)
about 229
URL 229
groupby() function
about 165 , 170
iterator, partitioning with 170 , 171
group-by reductions
from many to fewer 126 , 127
writing 132 , 133
grouper function 179
group() function 129


Haskell 16 , 33
higher-order functions
about 25 , 26 , 87
building, with Callables 111 , 112
filter() function 96
good functional design, assuring 112 - 114
iter() function 99
lambda forms 91
map() function 93
max() function 88 - 91
min() function 88 - 91
sorted() function 100
writing 101
higher-order mappings and filters
additional data, wrapping while
mapping 104 , 105
data, flattening while mapping 106 , 107
data, structuring while filtering 107 , 108
data, unwrapping while mapping 103 , 104
writing 101 - 103
higher-order reductions
writing 13 3- 135

HTTP request-response model
about 282 , 283
functional view 285
server, considering with functional
design 284 , 285
services, nesting 286 , 287
state, injecting via cookies 284

imap(function, iterable) method 246
imap_unordered(function, iterable)
method 246
immutable namedtuple
rewrapping 150 , 151
Spearman rank-order correlation,
computing 152 , 153
statistical ranks, assigning 148 , 149
using 145 - 147
using, as record 142 - 144
wrapping 149 , 150
immutable objects
about 26
Higher-order Functions, using 26
Wrap-Process-Unwrap pattern, using 26
infinite iterators
count() 160
count(), counting with 160 - 162
cycle() 160
cycle(), used for reiterating cycle 162 - 164
repeat() 160
repeat(), used for repeating single
value 164
working with 160
islice() function
about 165 - 173
subsets, picking with 172 , 173
itemgetter() function 257
all() function, using 73 - 75
any() function, using 73 - 75
counts, using for statistics 76 - 78
file, parsing at higher level 63 - 65
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