Functional Python Programming

(Wang) #1

complex multiprocessing architectures 248
concurrent.futures module, using 248 , 249
concurrent.futures thread pools, using 249
concurrent processing, designing 250 - 252
map_async(), using 247
queue module, using 250
starmap_async(), using 247
threading module, using 250
using 244 - 246
Multipurpose Internet Mail Extension
(MIME) 285
multy() function 40
myreduce() function 267


named attributes
obtaining, when using higher-order
functions 257 , 258
building, with functional constructors 145
using 42 , 43
ncycles function 178
nested generator expressions 14
Nginx 290
non-strict dictionary rules
exploiting 255
non-strict evaluation 27 - 29
nth function 178
null_wrapper() function 215
num variable 259


Object-Oriented Programming (OOP)
language 26
OCaml 16
operator module
named attributes, obtaining when using
higher-order functions 257 , 258
using 256 , 257
reducing with 260 , 261
starmapping with 258 - 260

operators.truediv() function 259
optimization techniques
accuracy, optimizing 311 , 312
caching 306 , 307
memoization 305
storage, optimizing 311

padnone function 178
pairwise function 179
parallelism 149
parameterized decorator
about 221
abstract decorator 222
decorating wrapper 222
overall decorator 222
partial() function
about 197 , 205
used, for applying partial arguments 205
partial gamma value
computing 323 - 325
partition function 179
path_filter() function 241
PATH_INFO request 294
Peano axioms 118
permutations() function 181
point_roll() function 277
polymorphism pattern matching 153 - 158
powerset function 194
previous results
caching, lru_cache decorator used 198 - 200
procedural paradigm
functional hybrid, using 14 , 15
functional paradigm, using 12 - 14
object creation 15 , 16
stacks of abstractions 16 , 17
subdividing 11 , 12
product() function 181
product, reducing
about 182 , 183
all pixels and all colors,
enumerating 185 , 186
collection of values, permuting 190 , 191
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