
(Marcin) #1
1 piece medium-sized cantaloupe melon, ripe, peeled, and pitted
1 piece lemon, ripe and squeezed
1 piece medium-sized mango, ripe and peeled, seed removed
2 cups vanilla whey protein powder
Optional Ingredients:
1 tbsp. ground flaxseed
5 g. leaf parsley, washed

Fruity Wake-up Booster Juice


  1. Prepare the cantaloupe melon and the mango so they can be ready for the juicer. Peel then pit or
    remove their seeds.

  2. Slice the lemon and extract its juice.

  3. In a juicer, put together the cantaloupe melon and mango flesh.

  4. Pour the lemon juice over the fruits and add ground flaxseed or leaf parsley to taste. Add the
    vanilla whey protein powder.

  5. Cover and blend at high speed until smooth and frothy.
    Mix the cantaloupe melon’s juiciness with the sweetness of ripe mango, add vanilla whey protein powder and
    other ingredients, and voila! You have a zesty, nutrient-packed early morning treat!

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