The Politics of Intervention

(sharon) #1


Steinliart's assumption of the role of the United States diplomatic
spokesman in Cuba coincided, interestingly, with the publication in the
New York World of a cable attributed to Sleeper: "Revolution spread­
ing. All quiet." This cable is supposed to have enraged Roosevelt, who
then turned to Steinhart. (Chapman, A History of the Cuban Republic,
p. 199.) Sleeper denied to La Lucha and the State Department that
he ever sent such a message, and the author's examination of volumes
36, 37, and 38 of the Numerical File failed to uncover such a cable.
Sleeper's fall from grace (Roosevelt to Bacon, September 10, 1906,
Roosevelt Papers) seems to have begun with Steinhart's letter to Loeb.

  1. Two telegrams, Roosevelt to Charles J. Bonaparte, September 8,
    1906, Area 8 File (September, 1906), RG 45. The first telegram directed
    the Secretary of the Navy to report the availability of vessels, the
    second dispatched them to Cuban waters to protect American lives
    and property.

  2. Roosevelt to George Otto Trevelyan, September 9, 1906, Roose­
    velt Papers.

  3. Roosevelt to Bacon, September 10, 1906, Roosevelt Papers.

  4. Bacon to Steinhart, September 10, 1906, Foreign Relations, 1906,
    p. 474.

  5. Steinhart to Secretary of State, September 10, 1906, Foreign
    Relations, 1906, p. 474; G. W. E. Griffith, British minister to Cuba, to Sir
    Edward Grey, Foreign Secretary, September 10, 1906, Foreign Office
    File 371-56, Public Record Office, London. Hereafter cited as FO
    (file number), PRO.

  6. Bacon to Steinhart, September 11, 1906, Foreign Relations, 1906,
    p. 475.

  7. Republica de Cuba, Decree 380, Gaceta oficial (September-Octo­
    ber, 1906), p. 2004; Washington Tost, September 11 and 12, 1906; The
    World (New York), September 11, 1906.
    The Moderates' counter peace proposal "La Obra de la Paz," Sep­
    tember 11, 1906, promised the reforms suggested by the Liberals and
    Veterans except for nullification of the 1905 elections. Secades and
    Diaz Pardo, La justicia en Cuba: patriotas y traidores, II, 43-44.

  8. Machado to Menocal, September 12, 1906, reprinted in Secades
    and Diaz Pardo, La Justicia en Cuba: patriotas y traidores, II, 46-47.

  9. Ibid., pp. 61-64. cf. Horacio Ferrer, Con el rifle al hombro
    (Havana, 1950), p. 182.

  10. Steinhart and Sleeper to the Secretary of State, September 12 and
    13, 1906, Foreign Relations, 1906, pp. 476-77.

  11. Steinhart to Secretary of State, September 12, 1906, Foreign Re­
    lations, 1906, p. 476.

  12. Wright, Cuba, p. 78. For the subsequent account of "Denver's"
    stay in Havana, the author has used the report of her captain, Cmdr.
    J. C. Colwell, USN, to the Secretary of the Navy, October 4, 1906,
    Area 8 File (October, 1906), RG 45.

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