The Politics of Intervention

(sharon) #1
The Politics of Occupation 161

the Provisional Government had not capitulated to the
Liberals. He told them that the Liberals had regained the
positions denied them by fraud and that if the Moderates
would select a group like the Liberal Committee, they too
could have a voice in the patronage. The purpose of Magoon's
offer was "to see the Moderates reorganized and begin to sit
up and take notice as otherwise they will continue their
present agitation that moral peace is as far off as ever."^47
Magon found, however, that the former Moderates could not
agree among themselves. Their anger at being blamed for
the intervention and the temporary nature of the occupation
divided them into three groups. The first favored no dealings
at all with the Provisional Government. Another was allied
with the Nunezistas of Havana and was awaiting a Liberal
split. This group was unified by its hate for Zayas and was
sympathetic to Jose Miguel Gomez. A third faction, Magoon
reported, wanted to compel a long intervention by fomenting
unrest. This faction included many office-holders and was
agitating among the dissatisfied Negroes.^48
By March, 1907, however, Magoon wrote Taft that the
ex-Moderates would soon form a new conservative party,
which had a good chance of success at the polls if plural
voting, the alien franchise, and proportional representation
were adopted. Magoon thought the conservatives would
participate even if only proportional representation was

Secretary Taft Visits Havana: Cuban Policy Revised

Although Roosevelt and Taft had planned to hold Cuban
elections in June, 1907, the disarray of Cuba's political parties
forced them to reconsider their timing. In April, 1907, Taft
visited Havana for four days (April 7-10) and reviewed
Cuban problems with Maigoon, the Army officers in the Pro­
visional Government, the leaders of the Liberal factions, con­
servatives, and alien businessmen. At that time, Roosevelt
was still firm that the American intervention should be termi­

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