Expert C Programming

(Jeff_L) #1

Exactly one space is needed between the OLD or SAVE command and the filename.



Line numbers: 1–10000
Line length: 999 characters
FOR nesting: 26
GOSUB: 999 levels
Program: Dynamically allocated
Expressions: -32768–32767 for 16-bit machines,

-2147483648–2147483647 for 32-bit machines

Error checking / error reports:

No error checking is performed.

The message "core dumped" signifies a syntax or semantic error.

Hosting environment:

ANSI C, traditional K&R C

ASCII or EBCDIC character set

48 Kbytes memory

The sample BASIC program provided was the old lunar lander game:

10 REM Lunar Lander

20 REM By Diomidis Spinellis

30 PRINT "You are on the Lunar Lander about to leave the


60 GOSUB 4000

70 GOSUB 1000

80 GOSUB 2000

90 GOSUB 3000

100 H=H-V

110 V=((V+G)10-U2)/10

120 F=F-U

130 IFH>0THEN 80

135 H = 0

140 GOSUB 2000

150 IFV>5THEN 200

160 PRINT "Congratulations! This was a very good landing."

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