Expert C Programming

(Jeff_L) #1

time. Sample output is:

% a.out

got char a, at count 1887525

got char b, at count 5979648

got char c, at count 7299030

got char d, at count 9802103

got char e, at count 11060214

got char q, at count 14551814

Programming Solution

cdecl as an FSM

#include <stdio.h>

#include <string.h>

#include <ctype.h>

#define MAXTOKENS 100

#define MAXTOKENLEN 64

enum type_tag { IDENTIFIER, QUALIFIER, TYPE };

struct token {

char type;

char string[MAXTOKENLEN];


int top = -1;

/ holds all the tokens before first identifier /

struct token stack[MAXTOKENS];

/ holds the token just read /

struct token this;

#define pop stack[top--]

#define push(s) stack[++top]=s

enum type_tag


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