Expert C Programming

(Jeff_L) #1

Fortunately, it is possible to get the effect of dynamic arrays (at the expense of doing some pointer
manipulation ourselves).

Handy Heuristic

Learning from a Program's Messages

It can be instructive to use the strings utility to look inside a binary to see the error
messages a program can generate. You don't even have to look in the binary if the software
has been internationalized and keeps its messages in a separate file. If you did this for yacc
you would notice that its error messages changed in a significant way between two recent
releases. Specifically, the error message

% strings yacc


too many states


% strings yacc


cannot expand table of states

The reason is that yacc was upgraded so that its internal tables are now dynamically
allocated, and expanded as needed.

Software Dogma

Meaningful Error Messages

Interesting strings also occur in compilers. The following strings were all allegedly found in
an Apollo C compiler:

00 cpp says it's hopeless but trying anyway

14 parse error: I just don't get it

77 you learned to program in Fortran, didn't you?

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