New Perspectives on Contemporary Chinese Poetry

(Chris Devlin) #1
reducing this world to a rational and reasonable principle” (Camus
1966: 297).

  1. Depending on the thinker, anxiety may be likened to or grouped with
    dread, anguish, or nausea.

  2. Some readers may wish to contrast my argument with more optimistic
    assessments of nature writing’s ability to reconnect subject and environ-
    ment in a holistic manner. See, for example, Kandi Tayebi’s compassionate
    discussion of the ways nature writing draws us into “an intense relation-
    ship with the environment that unites the intellectual, physical, and
    emotional aspects of our being” (Tayebi 2003: 1).

“Anxiety-Reflex” and Liu Kexiang 103
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