New Perspectives on Contemporary Chinese Poetry

(Chris Devlin) #1

Chapter Twelve

Online Avant-Garde Poetry

in China Today

Michael Day

Net Servers 

On a silver screen 光
A crowd of young men and women  男 女
In confusion  杂
Here 在
Play and frolic , 
Here 在
Practice evil and randomly do over others 恶, 整
Here 在
Run mad, go wild, stir up emotion , 撒, 

The silver screen 光
Modern technology !"#技
A crystallization of human wisdom %&慧的)晶
Crystallizes in man, the soul of all things )晶+,-,物灵的
Here 在
There’s darkness and enlightenment 0有2暗, 4有光5
worship of the lofty and the low 0有67, 4有68
embellishment and anti-embellishment 0有妆饰, 4有;饰
bright things and trash 0有<物, 4有垃>

This long-forgotten thing @ABCDE却G的HI
Finally finds J+
Here a field for her to be 在K到G她NO的P地
(Artisan of Flowery Rocks RS匠2006)

According to a recent estimate by the poetry critic Chen Zhongyi
陈VW(Chen 2006), there are approximately two million new poems
produced annually on Web sites in China today. My own research
(Day 2006) lends credence to Chen’s rather conservative claims that
there are at least three hundred poetry Web sites operating online in

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