It’s too distracting. Yet we do this to ourselves every time we sit
to write!
It’s time for a change.
Also within you is a wiser part called Self Two, the Master.
Right now you are reading these lines and maybe you’re aware
of your thoughts as you read. But it isn’t quite that simple, is it?
Going on automatically and unconsciously is a complex system of
body–mind coordination. Not only are you looking at these words
with eyes that are constantly moving, which have muscles operat-
ing them that you aren’t aware of, but you are also receiving this in-
put from a brain that is firing off neurons in more directions than
either of us can imagine. And even as you read, your body is some-
how breathing, your heart is pumping, your cells are renewing, and
much more. If you suddenly put all of the actions under the con-
trol of Self One, you’d probably die.
In short, there is a part of you that can handle major life and
death duties. It’s Self Two. And this very same part of you can help
you compose Hypnotic Writing!
Sound incredible? If so, that’s Self One, the doubting Thomas,
gagging on the idea of giving up control.
I first experienced the incredible freedom of Self Two writing
while at the Option Institute in Sheffield, Massachusetts. I was
there to spend a week with Barry Neil Kaufman, author ofSon-
Rise,Giant Steps,To Love Is to Be Happy With, and several other
popular books (all worth reading, by the way).
Each night I would sit at my little desk and record my experi-
ences. Occasionally Self One (the Editor, remember) would whis-
per in my ear, “Your writing isn’t going well, is it?”
But I was relaxed and happy and content to allowmyself the
freedom to write whatever I wanted. Rather than forcing myself to
edit my work as I wrote it, I decided to simply enjoy writing. I let
go. And “something else” began to write.
Now this “something else” isn’t anything metaphysical. It’s sim-
ply a wise part of you. When you get out of the way, “it” is there.