ideas, and much more. Thoughtline has saved me time, effort,
andmoney. When an idea I had wasn’t sound, Thoughtline
told me so. When I need help fast, Thoughtline is there.
With Thoughtline I have literally become more effective, in-
telligent, powerful, and prolific!
One friend of mine, a speaker, is going out to buy a com-
puter just so she can use Thoughtline to help her develop
talks that will make her audience sit up and take notice.
Clearly she can see how valuable this is!
Can you imagine what you could write with Thoughtline at
your fingertips?
This is the onlyprogram I endorse because it is the only
writing tool that works! (Isn’t that what counts?)
Mark Twain wrote, “A man’s intellect is stored powder; it
cannot touch itself off; the fire must come from outside.”
Thoughtline is the “fire” you need to make your mind explode!
You can now benefit from this “talking” program, too.
Though it retails for $295, you can now get Thoughtline for
only $169. (You save over$125!) And that includes all the
disks, a great manual, postage and handling, attractive case
and technical support (though you won’t need the latter as
the program is simpleto run).
Just think: The amount of new material you write with
Thoughtline will probably more than pay for the package!
You’ll be writing everything you’ve ever dreamed of (and
more) only moments after you ask Thoughtline for help!
But don’t take my word for it. See for yourself. Just fill
out the enclosed form and mail it with your check.
Then stand back. Your computer will soon come alive!
Joe Vitale
Author, Turbocharge Your Writing
Author, Zen and the Art of Writing
Co-author, The Joy of Service!
Award-Winning Journalist