Intention means state your goal or desired outcome for your writing.
What do you want to achieve? Be specific. You don’t want to
write a sales letter. Anyone can do that. You want to write a sales
letter that pulls in a certain number of orders. Whatever your in-
tention, write it down. This programs your mind with a target.
When David Garfinkel, a terrific copywriter, was writing a chal-
lenging letter, he called me for some advice. I gave him one tip:
“Ask yourself what it would take to get a 100% response.”
Now, getting a 100% response from any copy would be a mira-
cle, but it happens. Bruce Barton wrote a letter in 1925 that pulled
a 100% response—everyone answered and everyone sent in
money. (You can see the letter in my book The Seven Lost Secrets of
So what is your intention with the writing you are about to cre-
ate? Go ahead and jot down your intention here.
While you’re thinking about your intention, let me reveal a new
way to direct your mind to help you create powerful Hypnotic
Writing. I’ve never discussed this secret before. Ever. You’re reading
an exclusive news bulletin here.
Noah St. John is a dear friend, author ofPermission to Succeed,
and creator of a method he calls “Afformations.” Now, affirmations
are traditionally positive statements used to program your mind. “I
am now wealthy,” is an affirmation. “I now write hypnotic copy,” is
also an affirmation.
But Noah says those are limiting statements that don’t engage
the mind. Instead, he advises asking “why” questions. An example
might be, “Why am I now wealthy?” Or “Why do I now write hyp-
notic copy?” He calls them afformations.