Hypnotic Writing

(Grace) #1

52 A New Hypnotic Copy Checklist


he following list is my own secret checklist. After you have
written your first draft and polished it, use the following list to
check your writing’s potency.
Note:You’ll see a new question, the last one, about graphics. I
think graphics are not used wisely enough in copy, off-line or not.
Graphics can help get attention, demonstrate your product, and
reinforce your selling message.

  • Does your opening pull readers into the ad with fast, com-
    pelling, strong reader interest? Does the opening begin with a

  • Does the copy move along at a swift, easy-to-read clip, gener-
    ating desire all the way? Is it boring?

  • Is the copy written in the conversational style of the person
    who is going to read it? Have you spoken on the same wave-
    length as your readers?

  • Is the copy visually attractive and inviting, using short sen-
    tences, short words, short paragraphs, bullets, subheads, and
    other visual aids?

  • Does the copy overcome objections and answer all questions?
    Is the ad a complete selling argument?

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