How to Write Letters that Sell: Winning Techniques for Achieving
Sales through Direct Mailby Christian Godefroy and Do-
minique Glocheux. I love this book. It breaks down the
process of how to write persuasive letters so anyone can do it.
The examples are worth gold. The 21-point checklist is price-
less. The only bad news is this book is now out of print. You
might search eBay, Amazon, or for a
used copy. It’s worth the hunt.
Anything by John Caples.
Anything by Dan Kennedy.
Anything by Bob Bly.
Anything by Joe Sugarman.
Anything by David Garfinkel.
Anything by Joe Vitale.
The Power of Outrageous Marketingby Joe Vitale. The Nightingale-
Conant bestselling audio package includes books, workbook,
and more. See to hear audio ex-
cerpts online and/or to order.
Power Persuasionis a terrific course on NLP and persuasion by
hypnotist David Barron. See
adcopy/persuasion.htm. I love his course and have bought
multiple copies of it to give to students, clients, and friends.
How to Think like Joe Vitaleis an online audio program where
NLP expert Tellman Knudsen figured out what makes me
tick as a copywriter. Fascinating stuff, if I do say so myself. See
Hypnotic Writing Wizardmy Windows-based software program
designed to help you write sales letters, ads, news releases,
speeches, and even entire books using Hypnotic Writing
methods. Get all the details at http://www.HypnoticWriting
The Seven Most Hypnotic Books of All Time