Hypnotic Writing

(Grace) #1
“I couldn’t put this book down. It’s eye-opening and filled with
genuinely new stuff about writing and persuading better. And it
communicates it brilliantly and teaches it brilliantly—exemplify-
ing the techniques by the writing of the book itself as you go
—David Deutsch, author,Think Inside the Box

“Hypnotic Writingis packed with so much great information it’s
hard to know where to start. The insights, strategies and tactics
in the book are easy to apply yet deliver one heck of a punch.
And in case there’s any question how to apply them, the before
and after case studies drive the points home like nothing else
can.Hypnotic Writingis not just about hypnotic writing. It IS
hypnotic writing. On the count of three, you’re going to love it.
Just watch and see.”
—Blair Warren, author,The Forbidden Keys to

“Hypnotic Writinghas it all. It shows you how to master and ac-
complish the three things you need from your prospects. Atten-
tion! Captivation! Action! Never before has there been such a
treasure trove of techniques for writing magnetic copy.Hypnotic
Writingcan be used immediately. It’s an incredible desk reference
tool. This is not a book you read and put up on the shelf for 20
years. It’s on your desk where you can use it every day. I love Hyp-
notic Writingand I refer to it more often all the time. Joe Vitale is
the world’s first true and pure hypnotic marketer and this book
will only bolster that fact. You will learn how to write headlines,
openings, the power of perception change, and yes even secret laws
of persuasion. I love this book. I encourage you to get your copy
today and keep it away from your competitors.”
—Kevin Hogan, Psy.D., author,The Psychology of
Persuasionand The Science of Influence

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