(Marcin) #1

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———— (1995a): Frank O. Gehry: Individual Imagination and Cultural Conservatism (L: AE).
———— (1995b): The Architecture of the Jumping Universe: A Polemic (L: AE). See also the 1997 edn., subtitled
How Complexity Science is changing Architecture and Culture (L: AE).
———— (1999): Ecstatic Architecture: the Surprising Link (L: AE).
———— (1999a): The Riddle of John Soane: Deciphering the Enigma Code of Soanic Architecture (L: SJM).
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———— (2000a): Architecture 2000 and Beyond: Success in the Art of Prediction (Chi: W-A).
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———— (1992): The Post-Modern Reader (L: AE).
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————, & KROPF, KARL (Eds.) (1997): Theories and Manifestos of Contemporary Architecture (Chi: AE).
————, & SCHAARSCHMIDT-RICHTER, IRMTRAUT (Eds.) (1995): Toyo Ito (Wei: Et).
————, & TOY, MAGGIE (Eds.) (1999): Millennium Architecture (L: AE).
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JENKINS, BEATRICE STARR (1982): William Thornton: Small Star of the American Enlightenment (SLO: MSB).
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