(Marcin) #1

LARSON, MAGALI SARFATTI (1993): Behind the Post-Modern Façade: Architectural Change in late twentieth-
century America (B.CA & L: UCAP).
LARSSON, LARS OLOF (1983): Albert Speer: Le Plan de Berlin 1937-1943 (Brus: AAM).
LASDUN, DENYS (Ed.) (1984): Architecture in an Age of Scepticism (N.Y.: OUP).
————, & PARTNERS (1976): A Language and a Theme: The Architecture of Denys Lasdun & Partners (L: RIBA).
LASSALLE, ÉMILE (1846): Les Principaux Monuments Funéraires du Père-Lachaise... etc (Pa: Béd).
LASSITER, W. L. (1966): Shaker Architecture (N.Y.: Vantage).
LASSUS, JEAN-BAPTISTE-ANTOINE (1842-67): Monographie de la Cathédrale de Chartres (Pa: IN).
———— (1858): Album de Villard de Honnecourt (Pa: IN).
LATHAM, IAN (1980): Joseph Maria Olbrich (N.Y.: R).
————, & SWENARTON, MARK (2002): Jeremy Dixon and Edward Jones: Buildings & Projects, 1959-2002 (L:
————(Ed.) (1980): New Free Style: Arts and Crafts: Art Nouveau: Secession (L: AD).
LATROBE, BENJAMIN H. B. (1971): The Journal of Latrobe (N.Y.: Franklin; repr. 1905 edn.).
LAUDEL, HEIDRUN (1991): Gottfried Semper: Architektur und Stil (Dn: VdK).
LAUGIER, MARC-ANTOINE (1753): Essai sur l’Architecture (Pa: Due). Another edn., with a Dictionary of Terms
and Plates, publ. Paris (1755). See also the version W. & A. HERMANN (Trs.) (LA.CA: Hennessey, 1977).
———— (1753a): Jugement d’un amateur sur l’exposition des tableaux (Pa: Due).
———— (1765): Observations sur l’Architecture (TH: Dt).
LAULAN, ROBERT (1950): L’École Militaire de Paris (Pa: Pi).
LAURET, ALAIN, ET AL. (1988): Bastides. Villes nouvelles du Moyen-Âge (Te: Milan).
LAUTER, WOLFGANG (1984): Passagen (Dortmund: Hag).
LAVAGNINO, EMILIO (1961): L’arte moderna dai neoclassici ai contemporanei (Tn: UTE Torinese).
LAVEDAN, PIERRE (1952-60): Histoire de l’urbanisme (Pa: Laurens).
———— (1975): Histoire de l’urbanisme à Paris (Pa: Hte).

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