(Marcin) #1

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BELLAMY, EDWARD (1967): Looking Backward 2000-1887 (C.MA: HUP; new corrected version of 1888 edn.).
BELLENGER, S., & HAMON, S. (Eds.) (1996): Félix Duban 1798-1870. Les couleurs de l’architecte (Pa: Ga/E).
BELLINI, AMEDEO (1978): Benedetto Alfieri (Mi: E).
BELLINI, FEDERICO (1993): Mario Ridolfi (Bari: La).
BELLOT, DOM PAUL (1948): Propos d’un bâtisseur du bon Dieu (Mo: Fides).
BELLUZZI, AMEDEO (1992): Venturi Scott Brown e Associati (Bari: La).
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BELOV, M., ET AL. (1988): Contemporary Soviet Visionary Architecture (L: AA).
BELTRAMI, LUCA (1912): Vita di Aristotile da Bologna (Bo: Bel).
BENCE-JONES, MARK (1988): A Guide to Irish Country Houses (L: Ce).
BENDALL, SARAH (Ed.) (1997): Dictionary of Land Surveyors and Local Map-Makers of Great Britain and Ireland,
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BENEDETTI, A. (Ed.) (1988): Norman Foster (Bo: Za).
BENEDETTI, SANDRO (1973): Giacomo del Duca e l’architettura del Cinquecento (Ro: O).
BENEŠOVÁ, MARIE (1971): Josef Gočár (Pue: Ac.).
BENEVOLO, LEONARDO: (1971): History of Modern Architecture (L: RKP).
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BENJAMIN, ASHER (1838, 1854): The Builder’s Guide (B.MA: Benjamin).
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———— (1972a): The Country Builder’s Assistant (N.Y.: DC; new version of 1797 edn.).
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