(Marcin) #1

COLEY, CATHERINE (1993): Jean Prouvé (Pa: ÉCP).
COLLINS, BRAD (Ed.) (2000): Gwathmey Siegel Houses (N.Y.: MP).
————, & KASPROWICZ, DIANE (Eds.) (1993): Gwathmey Siegel & Associates. Buildings and Projects 1982-92
(N.Y.: R).
————, & ROBBINS, J. (1994): Antoine Predock, Architect (N.Y.: R).
COLLINS, GEORGE ROSEBOROUGH (1960): Antonio Gaudí (N.Y.: Bz).
———— (1973): Antonio Gaudí and the Catalan Movement, 1870-1930 (C.VA: UPVA).
———— (1973a): The Discovery of Maillart as an Artist (P.NJ: PUP).
———— (Ed.) (1979): Visionary Drawings of Architecture and Planning (C.MA: MAITP).
————, ET AL. (1968): Arturo Soria y la Ciudad Lineal (Ma: RdO).
————, & BASSEGODA NONELL, JUAN (1983): The Designs and Drawings of Antonio Gaudí (P.NJ: PUP).
————, with COLLINS, CHRISTIANE C. (1986): Camillo Sitte: The Birth of Modern City Planning (N.Y.: R).
COLLINS, HELEN (2004): Edward Jerman, 1605-1668. The Metamorphosis of a Master-Craftsman (Camb: LP).
COLLINS, PETER (1959): Concrete: the Vision of a New Architecture. A Study of Auguste Perret and his Precursors
(L: F&F, & N.Y.: Hn). See also the 2003 edn., publ. as Concrete: the vision of a New Architecture (Mo & L: McGill-
———— (1965): Changing Ideals in Modern Architecture (1750-1950) (L: F&F).
COLLINS BAKER, C. H., & COLLINS BAKER, M.I. (1949): The Life and Circumstances of James Brydges, Duke of
Chandos (Ox: CP).
COLLYMORE, PETER (1994): The Architecture of Ralph Erskine (L: AE).
COLQUHOUN, KATE (2003): A Thing in Disguise: The Visionary Life of Joseph Paxton (L: HC).
COLOMBIER, PIERRE DU: (1949): Jean Goujon (Pa: Michel).
———— (1953): Les Chantiers des cathédrales (Pa: Pi).
———— (1956): L’architecture française en Allemagne au XVIIIe siècle (Pa: PU de France).
COLOMBO, CESARE (1964): Giancarlo de Carlo (Mi: Bas).

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