Earths Forbidden Secrets By Maxwell Igan

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As Sitchin points out, what makes this depiction particularly interesting is: “ writes out, in

archaic Sumerian” (as the star and triangle symbol resembling ↓) “the Gods epithet/name, the
‘star’ spells ‘God’ and the triangular symbol reads BUR, BURU, or BUZUR – all terms that
make the epithet/name mean “God who Solves Secrets”, “God of the Deep Mines”, and
variations thereof. The bible (in the original Hebrew) calls the God who tempted Eve ‘Nachash’
which has been translated as “Serpent” but the literal translation of Nachash also means ‘He
Who Solves Secrets’ and ‘He Who Knows Metals.’ The connections are clear. This depiction is
actually of particular interest because it shows the Serpent God with his hands and feet in tethers,
suggesting that Enki may even have been arrested after his unauthorized deed.


“In his anger, Enlil ordered the expulsion of the Adam – the Home sapiens Earthling - from
the E.Din (‘The Abode of the Righteous Ones’)”
As previously mentioned one of Enki’s epithets was “He Who Solves Secrets” thereby further
identifying him as the biblical Nachash (The Serpent)
Sitchin also did well in verifying many of the Sumerian locations mentioned in the texts
(fig.124). For example: He reasoned that if both the pre and post-diluvial flight paths were
actually at 45 degrees to the 30th parallel, that if certain landmarks that the texts suggested really
were the points that were used to triangulate the landings and that if seven vital control centres
lay along the flight path as the texts also suggested, then locating them and the actual landing pad
at Sippar, should be a reasonably straight forward and logical affair.
Sitchin indeed succeeded in locating all of the sites for the seven centres along the pre-diluvial
flight path as his own diagrams show (fig.125) and then also located all the facilities along the
post-diluvial flight path (fig.126) and lo and behold, at the exact point of the triangle where the
Post-Diluvial Spaceport is said to have been, we find the ruins of Baalbeck with its huge
cyclopean stone platform of ancient and completely unknown origin that local legends tell us was
‘built by the Gods’
The evidence Sitchin has also provided to substantiate the claims made by the Sumerian texts
is substantial to point of being overwhelming and I have little doubt that the events the Sumerians
describe, and the scenario Sitchin purports, (proves in this authors opinion) will one day be
accepted as solid fact.
And there is also the 6000 year old Sumerian account of the death of Alalu on Lahmu (Mars)
to consider. We are told of him being placed in a cave beneath a mountain and of the Anunnaki
carving the mountain into the likeness of his face wearing an ‘Eagle Mask’ (Space Helmet)
gazing skyward. Could that be the real explanation of the enigmatic ‘Face on Mars’? The unusual
surface feature in the Cydonia region, though heavily eroded, certainly does not look natural in
any way at all either in the first Viking Satellite photograph (Fig.127) or in the more recent ones

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