Earths Forbidden Secrets By Maxwell Igan

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neglect to mention who these ‘Some People’ actually are. Of course, due to cunning media
portrayals, to make an actual conspiracy appear virtually non-existent to the public, you just have
to put the word ‘theory’ in the same sentence or even just publicly call it a conspiracy claim and
the public subconscious will automatically associate it with the word ‘theory’ and view the person
making the claim as a ‘conspiracy theorist’ then everyone will start thinking of The “X-Files”,
“UFO’s” and the “lunatic fringe” and it will all go away. Planting this type of seed in some ones
mind is perfect for eliminating free and independent thought. As was once pointed out in an
enormously witty and typically humorous article by the extraordinarily prolific composer Frank
Many people, when faced with something that may require serious thought or opinion, or
perhaps may require them to think outside of what is the ‘accepted norm’ seem to willingly lower
their socio-intellectual profile and undergo this strange kind of, “self-inflicted, home-made,
mental nose job” – almost everyday, in order to maintain their status as ‘One of the Guys.’ As he
pointed out: Many modern people treat intelligence as some kind of hideous deformity and in
order to “cosmeticize” it, they willingly lower their perceived IQ level in order to be able to
converse about insignificant drivel with their peers. Let’s face it, it’s no good to appear too
intelligent because no-one wants to ‘hang around’ with someone who is smarter or possibly more
informed than they are, now do they, this is simply not ‘fun.’

Perhaps you remember the story of the Emperors New Clothes by Hans Christian Anderson?

The tale relates how the King had employed an expensive and gifted tailor for the task of
making his new outfit. The Kings ego was enormous and he paid the tailor a vast amount of gold
to make him a suit that would be the most splendid in all the land yet when the clothes were
finished the King was positive that he actually had none on! The cunning tailor assured King that
the clothes were in fact, woven from enchanted thread that could only be seen by those possessed
of great intelligence, but to the very stupid, he said, the fabric would be invisible.
All the members of his court at once assured the King that the fabrics he had donned were the
finest ever and his new clothes were absolutely superb and magnificent, indeed the most splendid
and dazzling they had ever seen. So then the King turned to them and said he was very pleased
they were not all stupid and, not wishing to himself appear stupid to the members of his court, he
walked about the kingdom naked and had a parade to show the town his new attire.
The entire town cheered and praised the Emperors new clothes and all discussed the splendor
of the magnificent garments and the quality of the stitching among them selves until one young
peasant boy who knew nothing of ego dared to ask: Why is the king naked?
And it was true. The king was in fact no more than a naked fool surrounded by bigger fools
who had all been controlled by their own egos.

Well, in a scenario almost reminiscent of a scene from Anderson’s story, there is now enough
real evidence to totally disprove the history we have been asked to believe, much of it is right out
in plain view and yet it is still being ignored and in some cases flatly denied by mainstream
academia. Those people who do try to investigate these things and bring to public attention,
issues that may sometimes go against the “norm,” are ridiculed, usually by someone with a
Degree who invariably uses their position of assumed knowledge as a means to completely
disregard and discredit what is often quite significant research or substantial facts. No apposing
evidence is ever presented by the academic quarter and the poor researcher is then usually
subjected to a series of vilifying personal attacks designed to shift attention away from the actual
evidence they were trying to present in the first place. If they then attempt to protest and return to
the actual issue, they are generally harassed, banned from archeological sites and made the brunt
of endless bad media coverage until they finally just shut up and go away. The whole issue is then
closed, hushed up and forgotten as quickly as possible, hopefully to never again see the light of
day. It’s a sad, but unfortunately, very common occurrence these days to see an archeologist,

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