Earths Forbidden Secrets By Maxwell Igan

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The case of the Takla Makan Desert mummies which were found in western China is another
fine example of this hidden agenda in scientific attitude.
In case you missed it, it all went down in a now all too predictable fashion:
The remains of an unaccounted-for and previously unknown Caucasian culture were unearthed
in the Takla Makan area in the 1970s. What was discovered at the site were the remains of a
blond-haired, blue-eyed people who had apparently once lived in pre-dynastic China. The arid
desert environment had also preserved the mummies very well. All of the specimens that were
recovered were dressed in colourful robes, boots, stockings and hats and even though there were a
number of Asian bodies that were found buried beside the Caucasian mummies, the Chinese were
not at all pleased about the discovery and greatly downplayed the enigmatic find.
A writer for ‘National Geographic Magazine’ Thomas B. Allen, commented about a pottery
shard that he had found at the location which still bore a fingerprint of the potter who had made it.
When he inquired of a Chinese scientist who was present if he was able to take the fragment to a
forensic anthropologist for investigation, the Chinese scientist then asked him if he would be able
to tell from the fingerprint whether the potter was a white man or a Chinese man. Allen replied
that he wasn’t sure whether the tests would show either way but maybe, he would have to see
what the forensics guy said. The response of the Chinese scientist was to quietly pocket the
fragment and quickly walk away. Yes, there always seems to be an innumerable amount of things
to get in the way of anything but orthodox scientific discovery and disclosure.

Unfortunately we are seeing Governments, and even many peoples, around the world now
viewing such archeological evidence of ancient races as a threat to Ethnocentrism more and more.
Such a notion is, of course, ridiculous because to acknowledge the existence of an ancient
civilization does not in any way detract from the achievements of any subsequent civilization that
may have risen in the same place. It does however; prevent people from claiming to have built
monuments that they in fact didn’t, as in the case of the monuments at Baalbeck and Egypt.
But let’s face it folks, if the Egyptians really did build the pyramids way back then, they would
be able to do it now – and they (or anyone else for that matter) can’t do it now, so it is quite
reasonable to surmise that they didn’t do it then either. And as we have already noted, the
pyramids are a source of immense National pride for the Egyptians and they would simply hate to
have to admit they didn’t build them, even though the obvious truth that has now been long since
proven is that they were well known of at least as far back as 4000 BC, as they have been found
depicted on clay tablets and stele from that period.
Yet another remarkable and very well documented instance is the case of Michael Cremo;
which again, is a very good example of just how far the Academic Community is prepared to go
to suppress quite valid information.
Cremo’s highly controversial book ‘Forbidden Archaeology’ discusses numerous examples of
enigmatic ancient artifacts, such as those mentioned in chapter 2, all of which have been ignored
and all of which prove beyond any shadow of doubt that the antiquity of modern man far exceeds
the timeframe that is presented to us in orthodox chronologies.
Cremo’s book was extremely well research and presented some very substantial arguments and
so, in 1996, the NBC used some material from the book to feature in an excellent TV special
entitled ‘The Mysterious Origins of Man’
However, when the NBC aired the presentation, the reaction from the Academic Community
was like a shockwave. In a seething mass of abuse, the NBC was literally inundated with letters
and calls from irate members of various faculties accusing the network of ‘deception’ and calling
the producer a ‘fraud’. Still others called the whole program a ‘hoax’ and a ‘sham,’ and claiming
the airing of it was a ‘lie the public!’ But because the evidence displayed on the program was so
damaging to the deception that Academia is intent on perpetuating, merely complaining was not
all they did. They actually attempted to force the NBC not to run the program a second time. The
NBC simply ignored them and aired it again anyway and so a group of scientists then took the
most radical step imaginable:

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