Earths Forbidden Secrets By Maxwell Igan

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The Politics of Control
The truth can sometimes be a pretty scary thing if it’s not approached with a certain amount of
respect and understanding. People really need to be educated in the realities of the universe and
mans relationship to it before things can ever make any true sense.
The unfortunate situation is that a great many people in modern times are also caught so far up
in religion that it becomes extremely difficult for them to accept the fact that their faith has been
misplaced. The sad truth is that, most people in those situations become very hostile and angry
when faced with indisputable evidence, and often to the extent where calm and rational debate
can become impossible. Some people, in shocking acts of irresponsibility, religious insecurity and
ego will even quite often destroy contrary texts or legitimate proofs and fake other, ‘more
acceptable’ evidence in order to reinforce their personal beliefs.
These sorts of acts make it very difficult for mankind to ever discover the real truths. Maybe
I’m slightly more wary than some but I have always considered truth to be the ultimate goal in
any quest for knowledge.
One day it may be realized that facts are simply facts; nothing more, nothing less. Facts, when
properly understood, do not need to encroach on people’s Racial Prides or National Heritages or
Ethnocentric Insecurities.

In truth possibly the most malicious, irresponsible and dangerous act that has been ever
committed against mankind as a whole is the conscious and willful suppression of knowledge and
the pure and utter fabrication that is perpetuated by academia on a daily basis, for in truth, all the
peoples of the world, the entirety of Humankind have had their true heritage stolen from them and
purposely and systematically hidden from view by Financial, Political, Theological and
Academic Megalomaniacs whose only desire is control. This fact has been proven time and time
again. These actions, which can be held wholly responsible for most of the bloodshed that has
occurred the last 2000 years, knowingly performed by the very people who hold the keys to our
knowledge and our future, represent a crime beyond comparison. As history has now shown, their
suppression of real truths has placed mankind in an extremely unbalanced and perilous situation.
With proper education and open and free societies the world would be free of most of its troubles
because control through Political and Religious means could never work on an educated
population. With proper education the idea of one person killing another over a stolen story that
has been contrived into a religious doctrine and written in a book would be openly seen to be as
ridiculous as it is obscene.^
But the problem for governments is that with proper education the world would also never let
our corrupt leaders or Multinational Corporations abuse their power the way they have done and
still now continue to do. For this reason people are kept too busy to be aware of many of these
things that are going on around them and often the hidden truths go unnoticed because of the
constant barrage of media propaganda and the rigors of daily life.
If you keep people busy enough and distracted enough, they simply don’t notice what is going
on around them. In this way entire populations are unwittingly controlled every day.
Even now, still more discoveries are being made that challenge our traditional tenets such as the
first ever fossilized dinosaur heart that was discovered in 1993. Now this may not sound like
much of a find to you at first but it was one that absolutely rocked the paleontology world
because the heart was discovered to have four ventricles. This of course means dinosaurs were
warm blooded and that means that they were not actually the slow moving, cumbersome reptiles
that had been previously imagined but were in fact, quite swift and agile. But, consider this, it
also means that they were not even reptiles as had been previously surmised because reptiles have
hearts containing only three ventricles and are essentially cold blooded creatures. Then, in 2004,
the actual remains of a dinosaur bone was found, with a feather still attached to it!
This immediately causes one to pause and reflect on the myriad of South American accounts of
Quetzalcoatl, Viracocha, Voltan etc and of the possible reality of Feathered Serpents...

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