Earths Forbidden Secrets By Maxwell Igan

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Chapter Fourteen

Forgotten Codes

The Great Puzzle

The main aim of this book has to provide people with information designed to make it

abundantly clear to you that the history we have been led to believe is irrefutably wrong. This is
virtually an established fact no matter what academia asks us to believe. It has also hopefully
provided you with some sort of insight into what the ancient legends suggest to be a possibility
and the evidence that can be gathered to support these ‘myths’.
But to where, does all this lead? Do the answers lie in the Myths, somehow locked into the
alignments of the ancient ruins, or hidden it the texts?
Do they tell us to watch for certain astronomical or celestial signs that warn of impending
disaster? Is that what the monuments and astronomical alignments are trying to tell us? Could it
be a global catastrophe or polar reversal? Could that be one of the things we are being told about
or warned of in ancient texts and myths?
The computer code or algorithm that has been discovered running through the entire Hebrew
Bible appears to speak of or predict all major world events past, present and future. The code has
been confirmed as being real by many of the worlds leading mathematicians, and simply has no
right being there unless someone or something put it there purposely. Encoded are a myriad of
incredibly accurate modern day events: The assassination of Yitzhak Rabin, The Clinton
Presidency and his affair with a ‘maidservant,’ the collapse of the twin towers, Al Gore winning
the vote but having ‘evil done against him’ and GW Bush then becoming President by fraudulent
means, and a great deal more extremely accurate information that simply defies all analysis can
all be found quite clearly encoded within the text. The code also contains numerous references to
a coming World War. Could this hidden book within the bible be the hidden book the bible tells
us will be opened at the end of days? Could the Bible code be the biblical book with 7 seals that
will be opened at the beginning of the end that we are told of in Revelations?
Who was it who encoded this information?
Was it the Gods of old, the Anunnaki of ancient Sumer who created it all?
Or was it just God?

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