Earths Forbidden Secrets By Maxwell Igan

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Drosnin’s discovery of these cryptic references kept continuing: ‘In Lisan DNA/In the
language of DNA’ was crossed by ‘A Copy of Everything was brought’. ‘In Lisan DNA’ was
crossed by Mazra/Seeded’ and ‘DNA Code’ was crossed by ‘On Obelisk’ and ‘In Adam the
Template’. All were all found by Drosnin within the bible code.
Now if my attention was not pricked at the start of the book, which it most certainly was, it was
most definitely fully aroused now. As I stared at these cryptic messages and read of Drosnin’s
bewilderment at finding them, something began to dawn on me.
When I had read Michael Drosnins books ‘The Bible Code’ and ‘The Bible Code 2’ I was
dumbfounded when I saw the cryptic clues he was receiving in his search for the key and its
mysterious encoder. What struck me was that these clues sounded awfully like references to the
ancient Sumerian account of the arrival of the Anunnaki and the creation of man by genetic
engineering, and more!
In the Bible code we see: “He Threw His Vehicle Into The Sea” and in Sitchin’s translation of
the arrival of the first team of Anunnaki, as told in a personal account written by the first leader
Anunnaki himself in “The Lost Book of Enki” we read: “...into the waters down it splashed, into
the depths not sinking” Drosnin also found references to a “steel vehicle” and sections of the
code suggesting that such a vehicle may still exist somewhere in the area of Lisan in the dead sea.

This is remarkable because the arrival and wading ashore of a God in a fish suit who was the
creator of mankind is a theme that is in fact, common to many cultures According to Sumerian
texts the Lord Ea later to become known as Enki is said to have worn a “fish suit” and an “eagle
mask” as he waded ashore through the marshes. The event is also recalled in Greek mythology as
story of Oannes wading ashore and creating mankind and civilization. Oannes is also often
depicted in a fish suit (fig.159) and it is notable that Oannes has also been at times depicted as a
serpent fish (fig.160) in an obvious reference to the Sumerian god Enki. Enki himself also
appeared in a fish suit in early Sumerian depictions (fig.161). The mysterious Dogon tribe from
Mali, West Africa also worship a God donned in a Fish suit and a helmet of some kind who they
say started mankind (fig.162).
The similarities between these legends coming to us from vastly differing cultures just cannot
be understated or easily dismissed.

Fig.159 Fig.160

The Philistines also worshipped a fish god called Dagon and symbol of the fish is still used
today in Christianity. The cross is also a very significant Christian symbol and not simply because
it was the method of execution used in the crucifixion of Christ. But it is worth questioning if it
could be in any way possible that the symbol of the Christian cross could have its true origins and
elongated shape in the Early Sumerian references to the Planet of the ‘Crossing’ and its elongated
orbit? (Fig.163). I am not saying that this is so of course. I am merely asking if it could perhaps
be possible.
Ancient Legends from countless ancient sources tell of the Egyptian God Thoth at one time
writing a book in his own hand then secreting it in a metal box or ark of some kind and inscribing

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