Earths Forbidden Secrets By Maxwell Igan

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now become so corrupted and twisted by outside influences that they know bear little
resemblance to the original concepts and messages they were once meant to convey.
Modern religions teach little of the old knowledge but instead exert control over their
practitioners by enforcing a blind adherence to rigid rules through fear of an unseen and wrathful
retribution to be inflicted upon them by a God they claim to be ‘pure love.’ The very concept is
pure contradiction right from the very start.
Modern religious texts also teach that all other texts are to be ignored. This is of course to hide
the fact that the doctrines have been borrowed and permutated and can quite easily be disproved
through investigation, and then control is lost.
It is a well known fact that the Christian religion even taught reincarnation as part of its
doctrine until it was removed from the texts in the fifth century while even in semi modern times
we have seen those Christians who claim to adhere most stringently to biblical texts actually alter
them to suit there own needs as with the Catholic Religion adding the ‘no divorce’ decree that has
never appeared in any other version and indeed, never appeared in the Hebrew texts from which
the catholic version was derived. The Mormon religion claims to be Christian but actually follows
their own doctrine as described in the ‘Book of Mormon’ and it is similar with the Jehovah’s
Witnesses. More recently we have also witnessed the same in both ‘mainstream’ and evangelical
Christian Religious movements with the introduction of the ‘Good News’ version of the bible
where even a cursory glance reveals that almost every word of the original text has been changed
to produce ‘modernized’ and very slanted versions and in some case quite inaccurate translations
of the original stories making any serious investigation or assimilation of the true textual concepts
quite literally impossible.
Similar insecurities can be seen in the Islamic religion where virtually all outside influences are
banned and constant reinforcement of belief is required through rigorous prayer. These types of
practices quite obviously and very logically reveal glaring insecurities in any establishment and
even more so when applied to organized religions.
If a religion is so stringent that it cannot be faced by outside facts or influences then the faith it
is based on is obviously resting on a very thin foundation and blind belief in any such
establishment can only be badly placed. And the same is true of any movements that require
‘blind faith’, religious, Political, Educational or otherwise.

Proper and complete global education is in truth, the greatest resource available to aid in the
continued survival of our planet and of mankind. True education is what is required to assist in
the building of a harmonious future for us all. Yet so stupid is the modern political mindset that in
2005, on television news program, in an appalling and almost unfathomable lack of intelligence,
compassion and reasoning, I personally heard the Australian Minister for education at the time,
Mr. Brendan Nelson actually comment that, in his view: “education is a privilege and not a
right!” And just consider for a moment that this mental midget was actually in a position of
power and is able to make decisions that affect our children on a daily basis while openly
maintaining this type of unconscionable attitude. Not only is Mr. Nelson profoundly stupid and an
obvious fool, but when his ego and position of power is combined with the stark realities of his
obvious intellectual inaptitude it all compounds to make him a very dangerous fool. A minister
blatantly announcing and promoting the concept that education should be given only to the
privileged, spells a great danger for our future.
Education is mankind’s greatest resource. Proper and truthful education would dispel 90% of
mankind’s afflictions. The repression of real information and true education can be held solely
responsible for the situation the world now faces.
Ninety percent of all wars that have been fought in the last 2000 years have been waged for
religious or territorial reasons and yet, as we have seen, all religions ultimately stem from the
same source. We have easily seen how the much earlier Sumerian story, from whence all of the
creation tales originally came, encompasses them all in an extremely scientific way and we can
see quite obviously, that ancient man had no religion, as such, but instead had a deep knowledge

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