Earths Forbidden Secrets By Maxwell Igan

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of true reality, a science and religion that were integrally combined into a way of life. If all of
mankind was truly educated and the true source of all religions, how could there possibly be wars
fought over doctrines described in books? Still many other wars have been fought from a lust for
power and an expansion of national boundaries but if all mankind was truly educated in the actual
realities of our history and accepted each other for who they were, what power would be needed
by individual countries? Another hidden but simple truth is that behind each one of these wars
has been one controlling banking system that has profited greatly from each conflict.

Throughout this entire work I have attempted to remain neutral and have attempted to avoid
any political viewpoint either one way or the other. I have tried to remain focused on the matter at
hand which is one of history and not political commentary. However, in closing a few points need
to be mentioned.
It is this Authors opinion that the world needs to drastically rethink its approach to pretty well,
most things about our societies, our past and the direction we need to take for the future. Things
have gotten incredibly bad since the tragic events of September 11th 2001 and though it is not the
purpose of this book to comment on who the actual perpetrators were or their reasons may have
been, it must be noted that since that day occurred an escalation in the suppression of information,
more wars of contrivance, and further erosion of human rights has been taking place on a daily
basis in all countries of the world, and on a scale that has never before been seen.
In third world countries it is happening by violent and oppressive means where possible, and
through ‘free trade agreements’ or the manipulation of currencies by large banks where needed.
In ‘civilized’ nations it’s happening through more nefarious and ambiguous means that are, in
their own way, no less oppressive, as in the gradual and subtle dismantling of various national
constitutions and everyday rights of the people in order to “protect them” from a shadowy, ill-
defined and wholly manufactured enemy - and they are getting away with it through a constant
barrage of propaganda. It should also be noted that this has only been made possible due to the
fact that the American Government is now firmly in the hands of the Military-Industrial-Complex
that President Eisenhower, in 1960, warned the people to be vigilant for and to make sure was
never allowed to happen.
In many ways it is very obvious that the closed societies we have constructed for ourselves are
in virtually all ways, dysfunctional. It is an admirable quality to take pride in ones heritage and to
be proud ones nation but in reality a great deal of mankind’s true heritage has been robbed from
us, and this is true for all nations, while Nationalism in its present form, can never have any
possibility of succeeding in any concept of a global ‘family.’ Nationalism undermines the very
concept of Human kind peacefully coexisting on one planet. It has become quite obvious that we
will never learn to function as a responsible species that can live in harmony together while each
country and each faith continues to embrace the concepts of National, Racial, Doctrinal or
Religious supremacy. It is clear that the world needs to be governed by one competent and just
global body. Yet the key words here are competent and just. Can such a thing be possible with
current Oligarchy of liars and bankers who are presently in control of the world’s resources being
the ones who will bring about such a governing body? Or does this concept spell the introduction
of a one world government where the majority is controlled by the few? The fascist New World
Order that many have feared for so long, the New Reich we are even now seeing erected by the
Bush Administration and the UN?^
It is has not been my desire to attempt to say for certain whether the true answers to the
mysteries of our past lie in Darwinism or Religion, whether the data that has been provided to us
by the ancient texts and monuments is correct, or to confirm the validity or accuracy of the
ancient Sumerians account. My main desire has been to provide the reader with information so
that they may investigate further and make up their own minds on these matters. However, if
there is even a remote chance that any of these tales could be true then they hold grave and
important information for all peoples and all races.

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