Earths Forbidden Secrets By Maxwell Igan

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For my part however, I believe the people of the world have been duped. I believe we have
been systematically and deliberately lied to and that the Emperors new clothes syndrome and a
fear of speaking out independently has been deeply ingrained into our psyche.
As our solar system orbits our sun, our sun in turn orbits its own parent star Oberon. Then
Oberon in turn orbits another star and so on throughout out galaxy. Our galaxy itself orbits
around a black hole at its center. Our solar system is located on the very outer reaches of the
Milky Way. As we complete one great cycle around our galaxy our solar system travels slowly up
and down in a manner similar to a painted pony on a carousel, occasionally passing through the
denser center parts of the flat spiral where there are more asteroids, comets and debris. We are
currently in this denser more active section of the galaxy and are due to complete one of these
great cycles in 2012. The long count of the Mayan calendar, due to come to its conclusion on
December 21rd 2012, reveals an ancient awareness of this great celestial cycle as does the number
432,000 or fractional divisions thereof, that is found in virtually all mythologies.
We have examined some very important facts throughout this work. We have seen that ancient
knowledge of the zodiac irrefutably reveals advanced scientific know-how in ancient times. We
have seen it proven that man could not possibly have evolved from apes and that human genome
is a mere 200,000 years old. We have learned that many ancient accounts of the “wars of the
Gods” can be adequately verified and that these beings in question were in fact no more gods than
you or I. We have learned that polar reversals and other cataclysmic upheavals are a proven
scientific reality and seen that great civilizations have indeed come and gone in our planets
history. We have found credible data to suggest that such upheavals are triggered by predictable,
regular, celestial events. And we have learned other important lessons from our observations of
the surface features of mars, from our observations of the comet levy-shoemaker nine, and indeed
from traces to be found here on Earth – that is that comets and/or asteroids DO actually hit

It is this author’s opinion that instead of focusing our attentions on Wars of contrivance in
support of corporate control of resources, thinly veiled as a fight against an unseen a shadowy
enemy of pure invention, we need to focus on the real issues at hand that are affecting our planet.
I believe all the relevant data concerning the issues raised in this work should be investigated
openly and en-masse.

In writing this book my main desire has been to simply alert you to the fact that these historical
anomalies and religious texts exist, and of the scientific, anthropological, astronomical,
geological and genetic studies that have been mentioned. It is my sincere hope that this book will
serve as a starting point for you to now go out and research the accuracy of the information that
has been presented to you in these pages for yourselves.
Just the mere existence of the many anomalies that have been listed in this book is enough to
demonstrate that our past is quite obviously not what we have led to believe. This fact alone
makes it at once worthy of further investigation by any reasoning individual. It is not my desire
that you blindly believe anything that is written in these pages, but that you now use your powers
of reasoning to investigate this information and decide for yourself where the real truths may lie.
The fact also remains that the Bible Code is a reality. It is there. I personally believe it is
imperative that an independent scientific research team be able to investigate the Lisan area of
Jordan in an attempt to locate the artifacts mentioned by the bible code. Perhaps Drosnin is
confining his searches too much. Many Obelisks have been removed from the areas in question,
perhaps all the obelisks now found throughout the world should examined for clues that may help
to reveal the location of the mysterious metal box mentioned in the code, the box that may well
contain the Lost Book of Thoth, for I believe they may indeed be one and the same. I also feel
that it would be prudent for someone to design a 3D computer program to track and predict the
orbital movements of our newly discovered celestial companion in relation to the rest of our solar
system. Specifically what kind of an effect its close passage would have upon the earth.

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