Earths Forbidden Secrets By Maxwell Igan

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Unfortunately, the regions of our earth where the answers to many of these questions may lie
are kept in a constant state of strife and political tension. Due to this fact alone, most attempts to
uncover the truth in many of these matters has been, and still remains, extremely difficult. Since
2002, in an act of ecological, historical and cultural vandalism never before seen or imagined,
these areas have been further devastated by the unwarranted and ruthless bombing campaigns that
have been recently carried out by the USA’s Bush Administration.
From this point any future chances for research into some these areas, which are in fact some
of the most important and relevant areas of our planet have also now been dramatically reduced
by the continual use of depleted uranium weapons in the region in the illegal and totally
unprovoked invasions of Iraq and Afghanistan, thereby reducing the entire region into a toxic and
highly radioactive wasteland.

Depleted Uranium (banned for use in weapons since 1996) has a half-life of 4.5 Billion Years.
The desert sands in the area are now rife with around 350,000 tons of ultra fine Uranium 238
dust that is reactivated into the air with every desert wind.

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