Earths Forbidden Secrets By Maxwell Igan

(nextflipdebug2) #1

  1. Anunakki Control Centres

  2. Pre-Deluge Flight Path

  3. Post-Deluge Flight Path

  4. Face on Mars Viking

  5. Face on Mars Surveyor

  6. Mars complex

  7. Ishtar coin

  8. Quetzalcoatl

  9. Mayan Star of David

  10. Olmec Head

  11. African Man

  12. Manco Capac

  13. Bronze Staples

  14. Solar System

  15. Sumerian Solar System

  16. Salcamayhua’s sketch

  17. Umbilical Cutter

  18. Ninmah & Enki

  19. Izapa Stele 5

  20. Star of the four regions

  21. Izapa Stele Detail

  22. Tiahuanaco

  23. Titicaca

  24. Scarab

  25. LDG

  26. Mohenjo-Daro

  27. Mohenjo-Daro skeletons

  28. Tektites

  29. Nar

  30. The Harpoon of Horus

  31. Sinai Scar

  32. Homo Florentis skull

  33. Homo Florentis

  34. Dino Heart

  35. Alphabet map

  36. Oannes 1

  37. Oannes 2

  38. Enki

  39. Dogon God

  40. Solar crucifix

  41. Sumerian Tree of Life

  42. Olmec Tree of Life

  43. Staff of Asclepius

  44. Medical Symbol

  45. DNA

  46. New Neigbour

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